Summarised online programme of the foundations of knowledge level 2 (explanation of “The Important lessons for every Muslim”)
The programme comprises short lessons (they do not exceed 5 minutes generally)
There are also the same programmes in different languages
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How many levels does the religion have?
How many pillars does Islam have?
Islam is a higher level than emaan?
How many pillars does La ilaha illallah have?
How many conditions do La ilaha illallah have?
What does Knowledge (العلم ) in the conditions of (La ilaha illallah) mean?
The one who doubts the disbelief of a disbeliever (Kafir) has?
Acceptance (القبول ) is from the conditions of La ilaha illallah and it means…
showing off with (La Ilaha illallah) is similar to showing off while giving charity and minor shirk
Whoever says La ilaha illallah without belief in their heart is…?
How many types of love are there?
Love for Allah’s sake is for good actions, the people doing them, times, and places.
Loving other than Allah (same level as Allah) is…?
Love for Allah’s sake is…?
How many types of servitude to Allah are there?
Every creation is a slave of Allah in terms of subjugation even the non-muslim.
If one says La ilaha illallah while they don’t pray or do any actions of worship
His servant and messenger in the shahadah means a servant who isn’t worshiped and a messenger who isn’t rejected.
The testimony “surely Muhammad is his servant and messenger” obeying his orders and believing what he said… is considered?
Whoever directs any part of lordship to the prophet they have not testified he is a servant of Allah.
The most noble description of the prophet is…?
The Prophet (ï·º peace and blessings be upon him) is from the descendants of which prophet?
The Prophet (ï·º peace and blessings be upon him) was sent to…?
Isra wa mi’raaj is his journey from Makkah to Baytul-Maqdis then to the heavens.
The Prophet migrated to…?
What is the number of his main battles?
How many children did the Prophet have?
Studying the biography of the Prophet is…?
How many pillars does emaan have?
Belief in Allah entails a number of things. How many are they?
The general proofs for Allah’s existence is…?
People have hearts while the angels don’t.
How many revealed books do we know by name?
Allah has revealed a book to every Messenger.
The first messenger is Adam.
Muhammad is a messenger and not a prophet.
Belief in the last day entails believing in everything that will happen after death until the people are resurrected from their graves.
How many categories does belief in Qadr have?
Does Allah know something before it happens?
Is everything the people do written by Allah?
The people have a choice and a separate will, that is not under the will of Allah, and they can do as they please.
Are the actions of the people created?
Tawheed is categorized into…?
Match the correct answers
Minor shirk
Major shirk
An example of major shirk
Example of minor shirk
The hypocrisy of the heart is minor shirk which doesn’t take one out of Islam.
Ihsaan comprises of?