In Islam, Khawf or Fear is of three types, which is divided in to Haram, Mubah and Wajib categories.

Haram (or Impermissible) Fear
This is when the Fear leads to being despondent of the Mercy of Allāh and losing hope. The person therefore falls short of an obligation or does a Haram (Impermissible) action.
Mubāh (or Permissible) Fear
It is also known as Natural Fear. Some of the examples include being scared of a fire, a lion or an enemy.
Wajib (or Obligatory) Fear
It is the Inner Fear of a person. Directing this to other than Allah is Shirk Akbar (Major Shirk). This is Fear which is Worship to Allah and necessitates humility, exalting and complete submission.
Types of Tawakkul (Reliance)
Tawakkul or Reliance in Islam is also divided in to three different categories:
Wajib (or Complete) Reliance
This is complete reliance in Allah, ascribing the authority of one’s affairs to Him and believing that the bringing of good and prevention of evil is in His hands.
Directing this to other than Allah is Shirk Akbar (Major Shirk).
Mubāh (or Permissible) Reliance
This type of tawakkul is also known as Authorisation. It means authorising a person to act as a representative or to carry out some work
Shirk Asghar (Minor Shirk)
Relying on another person whilst showing some form of need to him. Example: Relying on the Leader of country for provisions whilst showing him need and destitution
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