8 Obligations

  1. All of the Takbeers except the first one (which is a pillar).
  2. Saying: “Allah answers those who praise him”, (Sam’i Allahu Leman
    Hamdidah) for Imam and the one praying alone.
  3. Saying: “Our Lord to You belongs all praise”, (Rabbana Wa Lakal Hamd), for
  4. Saying: “My Lord the Greatest is Perfect” (Subhana Rabbee al-Adheem) while
  5. Saying: “My Lord the Highest is Perfect” (Subhana Rabbee al-A’ala) while
  6. Saying: “O my Lord, forgive me” (Rabbi-iGhfir-lee) between the two
  7. The first Tashahud.
  8. Sitting for the first Tashahud.
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