1-4 Pillars

Pillar 1: Standing if able

Recommended Prayers:
The prayer is valid if one prays sitting;
however, the reward is half of the one who
prays standing. If one prays laying down,
gets half the reward of the one who prays
In the Obligatory Prayer:
Standing is a pillar. A person is excused if
not able to stand at all or is able to stand
but unable to focus. If one is able to stand
even for a part of the prayer, then s/he does

Pillar 2: First Takbeer

No other words are acceptable except “Allahu Akbar” Allah is the Greatest.

Pillar 3: Reciting Al Faatihah

It is a must to recite it fully with all its verses, phonetics, words, and letters
whether silently or out loud in every unit of prayer in order. The only instance
one is not required to recite it is if s/he joins the Imam while he is bowing.

Pillar 4: Tranqulity in all of the positions

Tranquility is achieved by reciting each statement at least once.

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