Recommend Acts

  1. The opening du’aa’
  2. Placing the right hand over the left on the chest while standing before and after
  3. Raising both hands with fingers slightly apart, level with the shoulders or the ears
    with the first Takbeer, bowing, raising from bowing, and when standing for the third
  4. Saying the statements more than once while bowing and prostrating.
  5. Saying more than “Rrabana wa laka-lHamd” after raising from bowing and “Rrabee
    ghfir lee” between the two prostrations.
  6. Making the head straight with the back while bowing.
  7. Keeping the elbows away from the sides, and the belly from the thighs, and the thighs
    from the calves while prostrating.
  8. Raising the forearms away from the ground while prostrating.
  9. Sitting on the left foot while it is flat on the ground and setting up the right foot in the
    first Tashahud and between the two prostrations.
  10. Sitting on the ground in the last Tashahud in a four or three unit prayer and putting
    the left foot under the right leg and setting up the right foot.
  11. Pointing with the index finger in the first and second Tashahud from the time one sits
    until the end of the Tashahud, and moving it while making supplication.
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