Eid Prayer – All you Need to Know

Eid Prayer is a congregational obligation upon every male Muslim and women are strongly encouraged to attend. However, if the Prayer was missed, it should not be prayed individually.


It is to be performed after the sun has risen to the height of a spear until mid-day.

Recommended Acts

Some of the recommended acts for Eid prayer are:

1. The Sunnah is to pray in an open area and not inside a building, although it is permissible to pray inside the Masjid if there is a need.

2. To eat an odd number of dates before the Eid Prayer.

3. To bathe, perfume and wear one’s best clothes.

4. To go to the Eid Prayer via one route, and return home along a different route.

5. To give the greetings of Eid by saying:

Taqabbal Allaah minnaa wa minkum (May Allah accept from us and you).

Eid Prayer Greetings – All you Need to Know

6. The Takbeer during Eid.

7. To say the Takbeer on the night before Eid, as well as after the obligatory prayers until sunset on the day of Eid.

The Description of the Takbeer

Eid Prayer Takbeer – All you Need to Know

Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar, Laa ilaaha illaAllaah, wAllaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar, wa lillaahil hamd.

The Description of the Eid Prayer

This is a congregational prayer of two Rak’ah (units of Prayer) performed before the Khutbah (sermon); after the first Takbeer to begin the Prayer, six further Takbeer are made. Thereafter, Surah al-Faatihah and another Surah of choice are recited. After bowing and prostrating as normal, one stands for the second unit and the Takbeer is made five times. Thereafter, the second unit is completed as normal.

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