if you do not find what you are looking for below, please contact us on haythamibnsarhan@gmail.com

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Quick Guide Through Site

β€” Setting Up An Email Account
Go to google.com or any other website to set up an email account. Create an email account using the Sign In Button and fill in the data according to the rules

β€” Creating an Account
You need an email account to register on our sites, such as Google, Outlook, or any other
Then, using that email account, register by filling out the information on the above-mentioned website.

— Getting Started on the Site
If you’ve already registered, go to this page and log in

β€” Do you Want to Enroll?
To enroll in one of our courses, you must first register on our site:
After registering successfully, you can access our courses at: https://mahadsunnah.com/all-courses/
Enroll in any course by clicking on the enroll button

β€” Do you Want to Enroll?
To enroll in one of our courses, you must first register on our site:
After registering successfully, you can access our courses at: https://mahadsunnah.com/all-courses/
Enroll in any course by clicking on the enroll button

β€” Course Content
Our courses are organised into quizzes and lessons, with lessons divided into days with quizzes.
Enroll in the course, learn, and take quizzes.
The number of steps and your progress will be displayed

— Getting Certificates
– Upon completion of courses and quizzes you can get certificates (if rewarded)

There is no time limit for taking the courses

– Additional Courses
More Courses will be available shortly, inshaAllah, in the meantime, you can read our shaykh books at
Our shaykh’s books
https://sarhaan.com/ can help you learn about Islam and Arabic

https://mahadsunnah.com/ | Sunnah College Online – Free Islamic Courses


Alsarhaan.com – official website of the Shaikh

Courses on various Islamic subjects such as Wudu, Salah, Zakat, Aqeedah, and more…

Now you can study Islam for free
Alhamdulillah, we have reached over 15,000 students <3
JazakAllah Khairan! πŸ™‚

Getting Started On The Site

β€” Setting Up An Email Account
Go to google.com or any other website to set up an email account. Create an email account using the Sign In Button and fill in the data according to the rules

β€” Creating an Account
You need an email account to register on our sites, such as Google, Outlook, or any other
Then, using that email account, register by filling out the information on the above-mentioned website.

– Getting Started on the Site

If you’ve already registered, go to this page and log in

Getting Started to Learn

β€” Our Website Is Multilingual
Click on the languages section logo in the upper right corner and select your preferred language (if available)
or the language that you can comprehend!

β€” Do you Want to Enroll?
To enroll in one of our courses, you must first register on our site:
After registering successfully, you can access our courses at: https://mahadsunnah.com/all-courses/
Enroll in any course by clicking on the enroll button

β€” Course Content
Our courses are organised into quizzes and lessons, with lessons divided into days with quizzes.
Enroll in the course, learn, and take quizzes.
The number of steps and your progress will be displayed

Our shaykh’s books
https://sarhaan.com/ can help you learn about Islam and Arabic

https://mahadsunnah.com/ | Sunnah College Online – Free Islamic Courses


Alsarhaan.com – official website of the Shaikh

Courses on various Islamic subjects such as Wudu, Salah, Zakat, Aqeedah, and more…

Now you can study Islam for free
Alhamdulillah, we have reached over 15,000 students <3
JazakAllah Khairan! πŸ™‚

If the video or audio is not streaming properly, try the following solutions:
(1) Change your Browser
(2) Reset your browser settings to default
(3) Make sure JS or scripts are not being blocked on user-side
(4) Make sure your internet is not slow to load the video
Videos are mostly from YouTube; if the video is from YouTube, please click on the video title and go to YouTube to watch the video if possible.

— Getting Certificates
– Upon completion of courses and quizzes you can get certificates (if rewarded)

Shaykh says, I am pleased to inform you that you have earned a certificate for the course; facilitate informed of the statutes a brief about the after with the solution of exercises and correct letter leave and certificate in the division of soils.
Well done! This is just the beginning of your path, please continue to seek knowledge, May Allah bless you, and increase you in knowledge.

Please find your attached certificate.
You can download your certificate at anytime by logging in and visiting the course page.

No name in your certificate?
Please make sure you have entered your name from edit your profile page.
Update your name then download your certificate again from the course page.

Account Problems

β€” Have you forgotten your password and are unable to access your account or profile?
Go to this link and reset your password by entering your email address; after doing so, you’ll receive an email with a link that you may use to reset your password.
Tip: Check Spam Folder, if link is not shown.

Email us at haythamibnsarhan@gmail.comPlease be more specific and describe the problem so that we can address it like being specific in terms of in which courses, lesson, topic and link you are.

Thank you for alerting us to the problem; we’ll investigate and resolve it.


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