Most Recommended and Impermissible Acts in Fasting

Every Muslim is obligated to Fast during the holy month of Ramadan. However, one must know about the most recommended acts as well as the invalidators of Fasting.

Most Recommended and Impermissible Acts in Fasting

1. Delaying the Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) until its latest time.

2. Iftaar (breaking the fast) at the earliest time.

3. Breaking the fast with fresh dates and water; if they are not found, then dry dates. If there is no food or drink then the intention of Iftaar is done in the heart.

4. Du’aa during the day especially before Iftaar, reciting Qur’an, charity, Taraaweeh and Dhikr.

5. Performing Umrah.

6. Saying ‘I am fasting’ to the one who insults.

7. Seeking the Night of Al-Qadr (by increasing in good deeds in the last ten nights).

8. I’tikaaf in the last ten days.

Permitted acts during the Fast

It is permitted for a fasting person to swallow saliva, taste a minute amount of food due to a necessity, take a shower, use the Miswaak, brush the teeth with toothpaste, use perfume and any other action which is not an invalidator. A person can rinse the mouth with water but this should not be done excessively.

Acts which invalidate the Fast

1. Eating and drinking intentionally: If a person eats or drinks forgetfully, he should continue fasting.

2. Sexual intercourse: If a person has intercourse during his fast in a day of Ramadhan, then upon him is the major expiation:

  • a. Freeing a slave.
  • b. If unable to do so, then fasting two months consecutively.
  • c. If unable to do so, then feeding sixty poor people.

3. Discharge of semen: Due to touching, kissing, hugging or any other action out of desire.

4. Anything similar to eating or drinking: Such as taking a nutritional injection. As for injections that have no nutritional value, they do not invalidate one’s fast.

5. Bleeding due to Cupping: A small amount of bleeding due to blood-analysis or the like, does not invalidate a person’s fast.

6. Vomiting intentionally.

7. Menstruation and post-natal bleeding.

Impermissible acts during the Fast

These actions are impermissible, but do not invalidate the fast:

1. Swallowing phlegm excessively.

2. A young person kissing their respective partners as it may lead to other actions.

3. False statements and other impermissible actions such as lying and backbiting.

4. Ill-mannered behaviour and a lack of tolerance towards other people.

5. Fasting two days consecutively without breaking the fast in between.

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