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Types of Love in Islam
In Islam, the Love is divided in to three types: Natural Love Love for the sake of Allah Loving other than Allah Natural Love It

Explanation of the Conditions of “La ilaha illa Allah”
The conditions of “La ilaha ila Allah” are like the teeth of the key. “La ilaha illa Allah” is the key to Paradise. The key

Explanation of ‘Aayat ul Kursee’ “The verse of the Kursee”
Aayat ul Kursee (or Ayat ul Kursi) is one of the most powerful verses of the holy Quran. Ayat ul Kursi – Translation “Allah- nothing

Pre-Conditions of the Prayer
Pre-Conditions of the Prayer Prayer has nine conditions: 1. Islam 2. Sanity 3. Tamyeez (Age of differentiating) 4. Having Wudu 5. Removing Najaasah/ impurities 6.

The PIllar of Ihsaan
The pillar of Ihsaan It is to worship Allah as if you see Him, even though we do not see Him in this life, He

The Difference B/W Major and Minor Shirk
The Difference between Major and Minor Shirk Major Shirk 1. Takes one outside of the fold of Islam 2. It destroys all the good deeds.

Types of Shirk in Islam
For Shirk (associating anything or anyone in worship with Allah), it is divided into three types: Shirk Akbar (Major Shirk): This invalidates all actions as

What are the Conditions of the Shahadah in Islam
A clarification of the five Pillars of Islam; the first and greatest Pillar is: The Testifications that “there is no deity worthy of Worship except

Ten Matters Which Invalidate a Person’s Islam
One must know that the matters which invalidate a person’s Islam are ten: First Invalidator Shirk (ascribing partners) in the worship of Allah (the Most