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The Purpose of Revelation of the Holy Quran
There are many core purposes of revelation of the Holy Quran. Some of the most prominent ones are discussed in this post. To Believe in

The Holy Quran and its Revelation
Allah Said ” O you who have been given the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Believe in what We have revealed (to Muhammad) confirming what is

Voluntary, Disliked and Impermissible Fasts in Islam
Though Fasting is one of the most important obligation, however, there are some disliked and impermissible fasts as well. In this detailed post, you will

Most Recommended and Impermissible Acts in Fasting
Every Muslim is obligated to Fast during the holy month of Ramadan. However, one must know about the most recommended acts as well as the

Fasting in Islam – Types and Conditions
Fasting is one of the most important pillars of Islam. In this detailed guide, you will learn about the types and conditions of Fasting. Definition

Eid Prayer – All you Need to Know
Eid Prayer is a congregational obligation upon every male Muslim and women are strongly encouraged to attend. However, if the Prayer was missed, it should

A Concise Guide on Zakat Al Fitr
Zakat Al Fitr is the charity paid by Muslims at the end of Ramadhan on the day of Eid. It is an obligation upon any

The Differences between Major and Minor Shirk
Some of the main differences between Major and Minor shirk are given below: Major Shirk Minor Shirk Takes one outside of the fold of Islam

Iman and Pillars of Iman
Islamically: Imaan is the statement of the tongue, belief in the heart, and actions of the limbs; It increases with Obedience to Allah and decreases