Obligations Of the Prayer

There are Eight Obligations of the Prayer

1- All of the Takbeers except the first one (which is a pillar) .

2- Saying: “Alla h answers those who praise him”, (Sam’i Allahu Leman Hamdidah) for Imam and the one praying alone.

3. Saying: “Our Lord to You belongs all praise”, (Rabbana Wa Lakal Hamd), for Everyone.

4. Saying: “My Lord the Greatest is Perfect” (Subhana Rabbee al -Adheem) while bowing.

5. Saying: “My Lord the Highest is Perfect” (Sub hana Rabbee al -A’ala) while prostrating.

6. Saying: “O my Lord, forgive me” (Rabbi -iGhfir -lee) between the two prostrations.

7. The first Tashahud.

8. Sitting for the first Tashahud. Important Points to Remember It is obligatory to say “Subhana Rrabee Al Adh eem” while bowing, then it is recommended to say other sayings which have been narrated. Likewise it is a must to say “Subhana Rrabee al A’laa” while prostrating.

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