37 Explanation of Lesson One Explanation of the Maki Surah ‘An-Naas’ “The People” In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful 1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the people, 2. the King of the people, 3. the God of the people 4. From the retreating Whisperer, 5. Who whispers in people’s hearts, 6. Coming from the jinn and the people.
(1-6) This chapter deals with seeking refuge with the Lord and King of the people, the God of the people, from Satan who is the source of all evil. From the evil of the retreating Whisperer, who whispers in people’s hearts. Some of the trials of his evil are that he “whispers into the hearts of peopl e”, adorns evil, presenting it to them beautiful, and incites them towards performing it. He is always whispering but retreats when the slave remembers Allah, seeking His assistance in repressing him. Therefore, it is incumbent upon a person to turn to Allah for aid, to seek refuge with Him, and to hold firmly to His Lordship. All of the people fall under the realm of His Lordship and sovereignty; He has taken hold of every creature by the forelock. People must also stick firmly to His worship, for it was f or His worship that people are created. This worship, however, cannot be perfected until and unless he represses the evil of his enemy who desires to cut him off from his goal, obstructing him from it, and who wants him to follow him, thereby becoming from the people of the scorching blaze. Whispering could occur from jinn or from man and this is why Allah says, coming “from the jinn and man”.
38 Explanation of Lesson One All praise and thanks are for Allah, Lord of the worlds, from the beginning to the end, inwardly and outwardly. We ask Allah, the Most Perfect, the Most High, to bestow His favors upon us, to forgive our sins which are a barrier between us and many of His blessings. Sins and desires are preventing us from pondering upon His verses. We hope that He will not prevent us from the benefits that are with Him due to the evil that is with us. Since, surely no one loses hope in the mercy of Allah except those who do not believe. None loses hope in His mercy except the misguided. May Allah praise and send peace upon His messenger Muhammad, upon his family and all of his companions; continues praise and peace at all times. All praise and thanks are for Allah the One who the good deeds are completed due to His favors.