27 Explanation of Lesson One Explanation of the Maki Surah ‘ Quraysh ‘ In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful .1. For the favor of making Quraysh secure 2. Secure in their trading caravan in the winter and in the summer 3. Let them worship the Lord of this House, 4. Who has fed them against hunger and has secured them from fear.
(1-4) Many of the scholars who have explained this verse have stated that this section of the chapter continues on from the previous chapter. In this case the meaning would be ‘ We did what We did to the people of the elephant for Quraysh , their safety, their benefit, and so that their winter and summer caravans to Yemen and Syria continue as they are, bearing profit. Allah destroyed those who wished to harm them; He magnified the standing of the Sanctified House and raised the status of its inhabitants in the hearts of the Arabs such that they held those who lived around it in great respect. Moreover, He did not stop them from undertaking any journey they wished. It is for these r easons that He ordered them to show Him gratitude by saying, “so let them worship the Lord of this House” , let them single Him out alone for worship and direct their worship to Him and Him alone. “Who has fed them against hunger and has secured them from f ear” , being able to eat freely and living in safety are two of the greatest worldly blessings which call for gratitude to Allah, Most High. O Allah! All praise and thanks are Yours for Your blessings, the outer and inner ! Allah specifically mentions that He is the Lord of the House because of its nobility and excellence. Whereas i n reality, He is the Lord of everything.