Ablution and Conditions

“The water is clean and permissible “: One cannot make ablution with impure water or water taken by force. – “Removing from the skin anything which may prevent the water from reaching it “: Such as dough or nail polish, since it prevents the water from reaching the skin.

Recommended Acts of Cleanliness

1- Circumcision : It is obligatory for the men and recommended for the women, if necessary.

2-5- Trimming the mustache, clipping the nails, plucking the armpits, shaving around the private parts.

Anas –may Allah be pleased with him said -: “We have been told regarding trimming the mustache, clipping the nails, plucking the armpits, and shaving around the private parts that we do not leave it for more than forty nights”. Thus, they should not pass forty nights.

6- Growing the Beard : It is obligatory to let it grow and shaving it is a major sin.

7- Using the Siwaak: Brushing the teeth using the branches of a special tree. It is recommended at all times, especially before ablution, prayer, entering the house, reciting Qur’an, waking up, when the mouth smells, and before death.

Obligatory Acts of Ablution

1- Washing the face, rinsing the mouth, cleaning the nose

2- Washing the arms from the finger tips to and including the elbows.

3- Wiping the entire head and the ears.

4- Washing the feet including the ankles.

5- Washing the parts in order.

6- Continuity. It is recommended to wash the face, arms, feet, mouth, and nose three times. The obligation is one time. As for wiping the head then it is to be done only once as the authentic Hadith show. Accomplishing Continuity during Ablution Do not delay washing a part of ablution until the part before it dries.

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