
Fourthly: Hajj Hajj is the 5th pillar of Islam. It is obligatory for a Muslim, sane, mature, free, able, and a male guardian for a woman who needs to travel to perfor m Hajj.

The pillars of Hajj are four:

Sa’ee /Between Mountains Between Safa and Marwa .

Allah says: “Surely Safa and Marwa are from the symbols of Allah” (2:158).

Quran (2:158)

Being in ‘Arafah From Thuhr on the 9th day of Dhil Hijjah until Fajr on the Day of ‘Eid.

The Prophet ﷺ has said: “Hajj is ‘Arafah “.

Tawaaf Tawaaf of Visiting. It is after ‘Arafah . It is not the initial Tawaaf . Ihram The intention to begin Hajj ; intention in the heart and saying “Labayk Allahuma…” which is not the Talbiyah nor the wearing of the white clothes. Types of Hajj Ifraad One intends and performs Hajj only. Tamatu’ One performs ‘Umrah in the months of Hajj and frees oneself from the Ihraam . Then performs Hajj in the same year and sacrifices the animal. ثمَّيحرم بالحجِِّ من عامه، وعليه هديٌ . Qaarin One intends and performs Hajj and ‘Umrah together. And has to sacrifice the animal.

The Obligations of Hajj

Whoever leaves off an obligation, must make it up by sacrificing an animal; a sheep slaughtered in Makkah and its meat is distributed to its people. It is not allowed for him to eat its meat. To stay in ‘Arafajh until sunset for those that arrive during the day. Ihraam from the appointed place (Miqaat) . Staying Mina during the three nights after ‘Eid. Staying in Muzdalifah Throwing the pebbles. Shaving the head or cutting the hair. The farewell Tawaaf for those wanting to leave Makkah even if it is after the months of Hajj; oth er than women in menses or post -natal bleeding. Miqaat : Place & Time Time The months of Hajj: Shawwaal , Thul Qa’ Dah, and Thul Hijjah .

These months are specific for Hajj; ‘Umrah can be performed in any month. Places

-Thul Hulayfah for the people of Madinah and those passing through it.

-Al Juhfah for Shaam, Egypt, and Morocco. -Qarn al Man aazil for Najd. -Yulamlam for Yemen. -Thata ‘Irq for Iraq.

Recommended Actions

Clipping the nails and shaving the pubic & armpit hair before Ihraam . Talbiyah from Ihraam until throwing at Jamrat al -‘Aqabah . The introductory Tawaaf for the Mufrid and Qaarin . Walking quickly in the first three rounds of the one doing the introductory Tawaaf or the Tawaaf of ‘Umrah for the Tamatu’ . Exposing the right shoulder for the one doing the introductory Tawaaf or the Tawaaf of ‘Umrah for the Tamatu’ . Praying Maghrib and ‘Ishaa together soon as one reaches Muzdalifah . To stand in Muzdalifah supplicating from Fajr until just before sunrise. Taking a shower & smelling good for Ihraam Wearing the 2 white pieces of cloth for men. Sleeping in Mina on the night before ‘Arafah . Kissing the Black Stone.

Prohibitions during Ihraam

Removing hair from anywhere in the body or head, clipping the nails, covering the head for men with something attached to it, wearing clothes which take the form of any body part, wearing the face veil and gloves for women, putting anything that has smell on the body, killing animals living on earth and hunting, getting married or marrying someone off, sex, touching the wife sexually . If one does any of the above forgetfully, out of ignorance, or forcefully, there is nothing upon him or her, except for the one who killed an animal has to offer sacrifice. As for doing it intentionally then the prohibitions are divided into

4: Expiation of Offense The rest of the prohibitions one has a choice: fast three days, feed six poor people each one of them half a Saa’a , or slaughter a sheep whose meat is distributed to the poor people of Makkah. No Sacrifice Getting married or marrying someone off. Likewise, touching one’s wife without touching her vagina as long as sperm does not come out; there is no expiation only repentance. Severe Expiation Having sex; the one who has sex before freeing one’s self fr om the Ihraam the first time, has invalidated his or her Hajj and completes the Hajj while invalid. S/he must do Hajj again and must sacrifice an animal. The Sacrifice is the same Killing animals that live on earth and hunting it. Whoever kills it must sacrifice. A camel, cow, or sheep.

The Names of the Hajj Days

The Day of Gathering is the Day of ‘Eid. It is called as such since the people gather after their stay in ‘Arafah . The people of Makkah before Islam would not go to ‘Arafah . 5 places to Supplicate in Hajj While standing on Safaa and Marwaa . Likewise, while walking between them. In ‘Arafah on the 9th day after Thuhr until Sunset. In Muzdalifah after the Fajr prayer until almost sunrise. After throwing the pebbles on the Small and the Middle Rock on the days after ‘Eid During Tawaaf The Day of the Second Nafar . The 13th Day. The Day of Tarwiyah , which is the 8th They would bring water in this day to Mina. The Day of ‘Arafah. The 9th Day. The Day of ‘Eid or the Day of Sacrificing . The 10th Day. The Day of Qirr . The 11th Day. The Day of the First Nafar . The 12th Day.

The Description of Hajj and ‘Umrah Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen –may Allah have mercy on him – said: Once you get to the appointed place, take a shower, men put on perfume on your body, head, or beard. Then the men put on the two pieces of white cloth and make the intention to make ‘Umrah of the Tamatu’ and head to Makkah while saying the Talbiyah . When y ou reach the Ka’bah , go around it 7 times for the Tawaaf of ‘Umrah . Know that you can do the Tawaaf anywhere in the Masjid whether it is close to Ka’bah or far. However, being closer to it is better as long as you are not bothered by the big crowd. If it i s too crowded, then you can find another place and there is no problem; all praise and thanks is for Allah. Once you complete the Tawaaf , pray 2 units of prayer behind the Maqaam of Ibraheem – peace be upon him -. If you are not able to pray close to it, th en anywhere as long as the Maqaam is between you and the Ka’bah . Then go to the Sa’ee and begin with the Safaa . Once you complete the 7 rounds, get a haircut on the entire head; it is not sufficient to only get a haircut on a part of the head, so do not be tricked by the actions of many. On the 8th of Thul Hijjah , take a shower, men put on perfume, put on the two pieces of white clothes and make the intention to make Hajj from wherever you are. Go to Mina and pray Thuhr , ‘Asr, Maghrib , ‘Ishaa , and Fajr. Shorten the prayers, but do not combine them since our Prophet ﷺ used to shorten the prayers in Minaa and Makkah ,but he would not combine them. When the sun rises on the Day of ‘Arafah , head out while saying the Talbiyah with humbleness and tranquility to ‘Arafah . Combine Thuhr and Asr prayer in Arafah when Thuhr time enters; two units each.

Then busy yourselves with supplications to Allah, try your best to have ablution, face the Qiblah even if the mountain is behind you since that is the law of Allah. Check carefully the signs of the boarders of ‘Arafah and make sure you are in it, since who ever does not stay in ‘Arafah , their Hajj is not valid due to the saying of our Prophet ﷺ: “Hajj is ‘Arafah “. One may stay anywhere in ‘Arafah ; east, west, south, north, except by the valley of ‘Urnah since our Prophet ﷺ has said: “I stayed right here, and you can stay anywhere in the ‘Arafah “. At the sunset leave for Muzdalifah while saying the Talbiyah with humbleness. Continue with tranquility as much as possible the way our Prophet ﷺ has ordered us when he left from ‘Arafah and had tied his she -camel with a rope and its head would almost reach the saddle, telling us with his noble hand “O people, take it easy, take it easy” . Once you get to Muzdalifah , pray Maghrib and ‘Ishaa , and sleep until Fajr. The Prophet ﷺ has not allowed anyone to leave before Fajr except the weak, old, or the sick; he allowed them to leave just before Fajr. After you pray Fajr, face the Qiblah and glorify Allah by saying Allahu Akbar , praise Him, and supplicate to Him until it is almost day. Then, just before sunrise, head to Minaa . Pick up 7 pebbles and go to the Big Rock which is the last one next to Makkah and throw it with the 7 pebbles after sunrise while saying Allahu Akbar with each throw; with calmness and humility. Know that the reason for throwing the pebbles is to glorify Allah and to remember Him. It is a must for the pebbles to fall in the hole: It is not a condition to hit the Big Rock. Once you throw the pebbles, sacrifi ce the animal. It is allowed to appoint someone to sacrifice on your behalf. Shave your entire head after you sacrifice; it is not valid to shave some of it. Women cut from the ends of their hair about 1cm.

Now you are free to wear normal clothes, clip the nails, put on cologne, but do not have relations with your wife. Go to Makkah before the Thuhr prayer and perform the Tawaaf and Sa’ee for Hajj. Then go back to Minaa . After completing the Tawaaf , Sa’ee , throwing the pebbles, and shaving, you are completely free to even sleep with your wife. O people, surely the one performing Hajj must do 4 actions on the day of ‘Eid: throwing the pebbles, then sacrificing, then shaving the head, then Tawaaf and Sa’ee . This is the best order. However, if you change the order and you shave before you sacrifice, it is also acceptable. If you delay the Tawaaf and Sa’ee until you go back from Mina , it is also valid. If you delay sacrificing and you do it in Makkah on the 13th, it is fine; especially if there is a need or a greater benefit. Sleep the 11th night in Minaa . After Thuhr , throw the three Rocks with pebbles beginning with the Small, Medium, and then Large. Throw each Rock with 7 pebbles while saying Allahu Akbar with each pebble. The time to throw the pebbles on the day of ‘Eid begins at sunrise; for the weak just before Fajr until sunset. The time for throwing them after the day of ‘Eid is from Thuhr until sunset. It is not allowed to go before Thuhr. It is allowe d to go at night, if it is overcrowded during the day. Whoever is not able to go and throw the pebbles due to being too young, too old, or sick, it is allowed to appoint someone to throw for them. It is allowed for the one appointed to throw them for himse lf and the other person in one trip as long as one completes his own first. Once you throw the pebbles on the 12th, the Hajj is complete and you have the choice to end the Hajj or to sleep in Minaa the night of 13th and throw the pebbles after Thuhr ; this is better since it is what our Prophet did ﷺ . If you want to leave Makkah , perform the farewell Tawaaf . There is no Tawaaf for women on the menses or post -natal, nor do they have to come close to the door of the Masjid .

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