The Pillars Of Eemaan (Imaan)

There are six pillars

That you believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and that you believe in Al-Qadar (Divine Pre -Decree) – the good of it and the bad of it is from Allah. The Islamic definition of Eeman Islamically: Imaan is the statement of the tongue, belief in the heart, and actions of the limbs; it increases with Obedience to Allah and decreases with disobedience. The proof for: Decreases : “I haven’t seen anyone more deficient in reason and religion…” (Bukhari, Muslim). Statement of the tongue : The hadith : “The highest of them (Eeman) is saying La illaaha illa Allaah” Actions of the limbs : “And the lowest of them (Eeman) is moving a harmful object from the road” Belief in the Heart: “And modesty is a branch from Eem an” (Muslim) Increases :

Allah’s saying: “Which of you has had his Faith increased by it?” – proves that Imaan increases

Quran (9:124)
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