Explanation of Some of the Conditions – “Continuous intention so one does not intend discontinuing it until one completes the ablution”: It means the intention is present from the beginning of ablution to the end. – “The ceasing of the actions that nullify the ablution”: One does not make ablution while eating camel meat or while urinating for example. Rather, the nullifier must stop before one begins to make ablution. – “Cleaning the private parts after using the washr oom with water or clean dry objects”: With the exception if one is making ablution due to passing gas, sleeping, or eating camel meat.
Conditions of Ablution They are 10:
1- Islam.
2 – Sanity.
3 – Age of Differentiation.
4 – Intention.
5 – Continuous intention so one does not intend discontinuing it until one completes the ablution.
6 – The ceasing of the actions that nullify the ablution.
7 – Cleaning the private parts after using the washroom with water or clean dry objects.
8 – The water must be clean and permissible to use .
9- Removing from the skin anything which may prevent the water from reaching it.
10 – The prayer time has entered; for the one who nullifies the ablution continuously. 44- وَدُخُولُ وَقْتِ الصَّالةِ فِي حَقِِّ مَنْ حَدَثُ هُ دَائِمٌ.