The Categories Of Shirk and Tawheed

The categories of Tawheed are three:

Lordship , Worship , and Names and Attributes.

Tawheed of Lordship : It is believing that surely Allah is the Creator of everything and the Manager of the affairs of His creations; He has no partners in any of that.

Tawheed of Worship : It is to believe that Allah is the only god that should be worshipped without any partners. This is the meaning of ‘La ilaha ila Allah’. All of the acts of worship such as the prayer, fasting, and other than them. It is a must to perform them sincerely for Allah alone. It is not permissible to do any act of worship for other than Allah.

Tawheed of the Names and Attributes : It is to believe in e

verything which is mentioned in the Qur’an and the authentic statements of our Prophet regarding the names and attributes of Allah; to affirm them for Allah in a way that is befitting to Him the Most Perfect without distorting their meaning, denying them, describing them, or giving examples. Allah says “Say, “He is Allah, who is One. Allah —the Sustainer needed by all. He has never had offspring, nor was He born and there is none comparable to Him” (112:1 -4). He also says “There is nothing like Him and He is the All Hearing the All Seeing” ) 42:11). Some of the scholars have divided Tawheed in 2 categories; combining Tawheed of the Names and Attributes with Tawheed of Lordship. That is also correct.

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