How to Pray Namaz (With Pictures)

Description of the Prayer with Pictures

Firstly, a Muslim should make ablution at home and wear the best clothes.
Then s/he should walk or drive to the Masjid with tranquility without hastening, running, nor turning around or rising the voice.
One should not have their clothing like sleeves or jeans rolled up while praying.
Once one reaches the Masjid, s/he takes the shoes off and puts them on the shelf. One also leaves behind the worldly dealings; it is prohibited to buy, sell, and to announce lost items. -Enters with the right foot and says: "In the Name of Allah, may Allah praise and send peace to the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, open for me the doors of Your Mercy" . One exists with the left foot and says: " "In the Name of Allah, may Allah praise and send peace to the Messenger of Allah . O Allah, I ask You from your blessings". -Upon entering the Masjid, the men proceed to the first rows while the women to the back. -If the prayer has begun, one should say 'Allahu Akbar' and join the Imam in whatever position he may be. The unit is cau ght by catching the Imam Standing or Bowing. When the Imam completes the prayer, the person praying with the Imam gets up and completes that which s/he has missed.

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-If one enters the Masjid and the prayer has not begun yet, one should pray the Sunnah before the prayer. If the prayer does not have Sunnah before, then one should pray two units before sitting in the Masjid.
-One does not disrespect the Masjid by looki ng at the time or clearing the throat so the pray can begin.
-It is recommended for the Imam or the one who prays alone to pray towards an object. The object the Imam prays towards is sufficient for those praying behind him.

اما م اور منفرد کیلئے  سنت یہ ہے کہ وہ سترہ  رکھ کر نماز پڑھیں ، اور امام کا سترہ ہی مقتدی کا سترہ ہے۔

The distance between the feet while standing should be the distance between one’s shoulders; no more and no less. One should make the outer part of the feet straight.

دونوں پاؤں کے درمیان اتنا ہی فاصلہ رکھے جتنا فاصلہ دونوں مونڈھو کے درمیان ہوتا ہے ،نہ ہی زیادہ کرے اور نہ ہی کم،دونوں کے باہری حصہ کو برابر  رکھے۔

-Once one fulfils the conditions of the prayer, s/he says: “Allahu Akbar” while rising the hands with fingers together to the level of the ears or the shoulders; the inside of the palms facing the Qiblah.

-Then one puts the inner part of the right palm on the outer part of the left palm and wrist; or one grabs the left hand/wrist.

He looks at the place of prostration and does not look elsewhere.

– Then, it is recommended to say the “Opening Supplication” in the first unit only; it is better to vary the “Opening Supplications” in different prayers.
-One seeks refuge by saying: “I seek refuge with Allah from the c urse Satan”.
-One says: “In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful”.
-One correctly recites AL Faatihah ; in order with its letters, words, and sentences.
-Then it is recommended to read as much as one wills from the Qur’an wit hout seeking refuge again.
-One rises the hands similar to the beginning of the prayer while saying: “Allahu Akbar” then s/he bows.
-One grabs the knees, does not bend the legs, and straightens the back and the head.
-Says once: “My Lord the Most High is Perfect”. It is recommended to say more of that which has been narrated.
-Then, while rising and before fully standing, one says: “Allah answers those who praise Him” while rising the hands to the level of the ears or shoulders.
-Once standing straight one says: “Our Lord, to You belongs all praise”. It is recommended to say more from that which has been narrated.
-One says “Allahu Akbar” without raising the hands and prostrates upon the seven parts: forehead and nose, palms, knees, and the bottom of the toes. -One keeps the sto mach from touching the thighs, the thighs from touching the calves, and raises the forearms from the ground.-It is a must to say: “My Lord, the Most High, is Perfect” once. It is recommended to say other statements or supplications that have been narrated. One may also supplicate with what one wishes. -Says: “Allahu Akbar” and sits on the left foot while it is flat on the ground and setting up the right foot with the toes pointing toward the Qiblah . S/he places the palms on the thighs. One sits this way in every prayer except in a 3 and 4 unit prayer in the second Tashahud ; one puts the left foot under the right leg. -Then one says “Allahu Akbar” and prostrates as in the first prostration. -S/he says “Allahu Akbar” and stands for the second unit which is the sam e as the first unit except that it does not have initial Takbeer nor an opening supplication.

-After the second prostration, one sits for the Tashahud . -Points with the index finger, moves it while supplicating with it and makes a circle with the thumb an d middle finger.
-It is a must to say the Tashahud . -If it is a two unit prayer, one recites the supplications after the Tashahud and seeks refuge from four; punishment of the fire, punishment of the grave, trials of life and death, and dajjaal . Then one makes any supplication or even better those that have been narrated such as saying: “O Allah, help me to remember You, thank You, and worship You in the best way”.

-Then one gives salaam to the right and the left while turning his head only and not the shoulders and without moving the head up and down, and without pointing with his hands.

-If it is a 3or 4 unit prayer, one stands up after reading the first Tashahud and/or the supplication for Ibraheem. -Says: “Allahu Akbar” , prays the 3rd unit, and sits for the final Tashahud if it is a 3 unit prayer. If it is a 4 unit, one prays the 4th unit then sits for the final Tashahud . -One says the Tashahud , the supplications after it, and seeks refuge from the 4. -If it is an obligatory prayer, one remembers Allah with that which has been narrated. -“O Allah forgive me, O Allah forgive me, O Alla h forgive me. O Allah You are the source of Peace and from You comes peace, blessed are You, the Possessor of Majesty and Generosity”. -One then says: “Subhan Allah, Al Hamdu lilah, Allahu Akbar” 33 times each; all 99 times. He completes 100 with “La ilah a ila Allahu wahdahu la shareeka lahu. Lahu al mulku wa lahu al hamdu wa huwa ala kuli shayin qadeer/ There is nothing that should be worshipped except Allah without partners. To Him belongs the dominion, to Him belongs the praise, and He is able to do Any thing”. -Then one recites Ayatu Al Kursee (p.11), Surah Al Ikhlaas (p.33), Surah Al Falaq (p.34), and Surah An -Naas (p.36). (Page 11,33, 34, and 36 of this book).

Description of the Prayer with Pictures  

Firstly, a Muslim should make ablution at home and wear the best clothes.
Then s/he should walk or drive to the Masjid with tranquility without hastening, running, nor turning around or rising the voice.
One should not have their clothing like sleeves or jeans rolled up while praying.
Once one reaches the Masjid, s/he takes the shoes off and puts them on the shelf. One also leaves behind the worldly dealings; it is prohibited to buy, sell, and to announce lost items. -Enters with the right foot and says: "In the Name of Allah, may Allah praise and send peace to the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, open for me the doors of Your Mercy" . One exists with the left foot and says: " "In the Name of Allah, may Allah praise and send peace to the Messenger of Allah . O Allah, I ask You from your blessings". -Upon entering the Masjid, the men proceed to the first rows while the women to the back. -If the prayer has begun, one should say 'Allahu Akbar' and join the Imam in whatever position he may be. The unit is cau ght by catching the Imam Standing or Bowing. When the Imam completes the prayer, the person praying with the Imam gets up and completes that which s/he has missed.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image.png

-If one enters the Masjid and the prayer has not begun yet, one should pray the Sunnah before the prayer. If the prayer does not have Sunnah before, then one should pray two units before sitting in the Masjid.
-One does not disrespect the Masjid by looki ng at the time or clearing the throat so the pray can begin.
-It is recommended for the Imam or the one who prays alone to pray towards an object. The object the Imam prays towards is sufficient for those praying behind him.

اما م اور منفرد کیلئے  سنت یہ ہے کہ وہ سترہ  رکھ کر نماز پڑھیں ، اور امام کا سترہ ہی مقتدی کا سترہ ہے۔

The distance between the feet while standing should be the distance between one’s shoulders; no more and no less. One should make the outer part of the feet straight.

دونوں پاؤں کے درمیان اتنا ہی فاصلہ رکھے جتنا فاصلہ دونوں مونڈھو کے درمیان ہوتا ہے ،نہ ہی زیادہ کرے اور نہ ہی کم،دونوں کے باہری حصہ کو برابر  رکھے۔

-Once one fulfils the conditions of the prayer, s/he says: “Allahu Akbar” while rising the hands with fingers together to the level of the ears or the shoulders; the inside of the palms facing the Qiblah.

-Then one puts the inner part of the right palm on the outer part of the left palm and wrist; or one grabs the left hand/wrist.

He looks at the place of prostration and does not look elsewhere.

– Then, it is recommended to say the “Opening Supplication” in the first unit only; it is better to vary the “Opening Supplications” in different prayers.
-One seeks refuge by saying: “I seek refuge with Allah from the c urse Satan”.
-One says: “In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful”.
-One correctly recites AL Faatihah ; in order with its letters, words, and sentences.
-Then it is recommended to read as much as one wills from the Qur’an wit hout seeking refuge again.
-One rises the hands similar to the beginning of the prayer while saying: “Allahu Akbar” then s/he bows.
-One grabs the knees, does not bend the legs, and straightens the back and the head.
-Says once: “My Lord the Most High is Perfect”. It is recommended to say more of that which has been narrated.
-Then, while rising and before fully standing, one says: “Allah answers those who praise Him” while rising the hands to the level of the ears or shoulders.
-Once standing straight one says: “Our Lord, to You belongs all praise”. It is recommended to say more from that which has been narrated.
-One says “Allahu Akbar” without raising the hands and prostrates upon the seven parts: forehead and nose, palms, knees, and the bottom of the toes. -One keeps the sto mach from touching the thighs, the thighs from touching the calves, and raises the forearms from the ground.-It is a must to say: “My Lord, the Most High, is Perfect” once. It is recommended to say other statements or supplications that have been narrated. One may also supplicate with what one wishes. -Says: “Allahu Akbar” and sits on the left foot while it is flat on the ground and setting up the right foot with the toes pointing toward the Qiblah . S/he places the palms on the thighs. One sits this way in every prayer except in a 3 and 4 unit prayer in the second Tashahud ; one puts the left foot under the right leg. -Then one says “Allahu Akbar” and prostrates as in the first prostration. -S/he says “Allahu Akbar” and stands for the second unit which is the sam e as the first unit except that it does not have initial Takbeer nor an opening supplication.

-After the second prostration, one sits for the Tashahud . -Points with the index finger, moves it while supplicating with it and makes a circle with the thumb an d middle finger.
-It is a must to say the Tashahud . -If it is a two unit prayer, one recites the supplications after the Tashahud and seeks refuge from four; punishment of the fire, punishment of the grave, trials of life and death, and dajjaal . Then one makes any supplication or even better those that have been narrated such as saying: “O Allah, help me to remember You, thank You, and worship You in the best way”.

-Then one gives salaam to the right and the left while turning his head only and not the shoulders and without moving the head up and down, and without pointing with his hands.

-If it is a 3or 4 unit prayer, one stands up after reading the first Tashahud and/or the supplication for Ibraheem. -Says: “Allahu Akbar” , prays the 3rd unit, and sits for the final Tashahud if it is a 3 unit prayer. If it is a 4 unit, one prays the 4th unit then sits for the final Tashahud . -One says the Tashahud , the supplications after it, and seeks refuge from the 4. -If it is an obligatory prayer, one remembers Allah with that which has been narrated. -“O Allah forgive me, O Allah forgive me, O Alla h forgive me. O Allah You are the source of Peace and from You comes peace, blessed are You, the Possessor of Majesty and Generosity”. -One then says: “Subhan Allah, Al Hamdu lilah, Allahu Akbar” 33 times each; all 99 times. He completes 100 with “La ilah a ila Allahu wahdahu la shareeka lahu. Lahu al mulku wa lahu al hamdu wa huwa ala kuli shayin qadeer/ There is nothing that should be worshipped except Allah without partners. To Him belongs the dominion, to Him belongs the praise, and He is able to do Any thing”. -Then one recites Ayatu Al Kursee (p.11), Surah Al Ikhlaas (p.33), Surah Al Falaq (p.34), and Surah An -Naas (p.36). (Page 11,33, 34, and 36 of this book).

Important Warning: -From the conditions of the validity of the prayer is covering the parts that must be covered in the prayer. One should make sure that those parts are not uncovered during the prayer and thus the prayer is not valid. -If the Imam prays with one other person, then that person must stand on his right side exactly; not slightly in front or behind the Imam just as one stands when praying beside anyone else

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